Saturday, March 4, 2017

Project Life® Begins Again

I was so, so, so excited in 2010 when Project Life® came out.  I have done this project three times as a whole album, not necessarily a whole year.  It is the easiest, most efficient way of scrapbooking that exists on the planet.  Call it "pocket scrapbooking" if you will, but Becky Higgins was definitely the enabler for me.

Recently, I joined Ali Edwards' Storytelling with Project Life class. An overview of the class is here.

The first week allowed class participants to take video walks through Ali's albums.  I was pretty excited about that.  The best part?  She's not done with them.  Not by a long shot.  And that made her even more human to me.

The second week was focused on process.  We were challenged to just FILL THE POCKETS.  Get a spread done.  Use a "kit" that is color coordinated to eliminate some of the decision making hurdles.  Add embellishments AFTER the story has been told.  Tell whatever story you wish; don't be critical of yourself.

With these things in mind, I tried to take a photo a day, at minimum.  I used Instagram (sorry, it's a private account, but my craft one is public) as placeholders for the stories. (Ali stresses how she uses it religiously to remember the stories when she runs out of time for the physical book.) Here's what evolved:

I used Ali's 4 x 3 Class Set stamps and StazOn opaque white ink on each photo.  You will also see a variety of word and chipboard stickers from Ali's Story Kits and Simple Stories.  The cards are from the Project Life® Honey Edition.  The journal cards are actually bifold cards that I cut in half.

page 1

page 2

full spread

And like that, a week is done.  I decided to go Saturday to Friday with my weeks so that I could compile the pages on a Friday, when I have time and motivation.  Seemed to work well.  Wish me luck!

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