Saturday, March 22, 2014

The answer is 30. What is the question?

  • What are the number of years since I was a freshman in high school?
  • How long ago did the original Footloose movie come out?
  • How many pounds would I love to lose?
All great tries.  The question du jour is: How many different types of page protectors do I have in my stash?

Tonight, I was going to start (and might still do so) a layout of the day-to-day happenings of Spring Break 2014, Project Life style.  It would mean starting a new album for me as, even though I did not get through a whole year, last year's album was filled to the brim (March through October...and I still might squeeze a November 12 x 12 in there...).  To those of you who do Project Life, or anything similar to it with divided page protectors, you know this is no small decision.  It used to be, back in the day when Becky Higgins Design A was the only choice.  She was pretty smart, that Becky.  And then.  Chaos.  The complication bar was raised.

I have 30 styles of page protectors.  Thirty.  3-0. That makes decisions super hard which is, if I recall, NOT what the framer intended.  BH wanted this to be easy-- a quick documentation of your life.  Your choices were 4 x 6" horizontal pics or smaller 4 x 2.875" vertical pics.  Period.  Those pages are still predominant in my album from last year.  Then this whole little idea took flight with several companies.  I adored the possibilities of multiple styles.  I even bought an oversized printer because of the inspiration of one page protector.  Yes, I am a crazed lunatic from whom you should shield your impressionable children and young adults.  

So, tonight, I decided to take inventory.  My son gave me some graph paper, and I sketched all that I had accumulated.  Now, I can have, in one spot, a place where I can make some decisions without having to take them all out.  Or so I hope!

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